Friday 6 May 2011

Muirs on the move Speeds Point

We finally found this place called Speeds point. It had come recommended and we had a book with the mud map on how to get there. Unfortunately it was as clear as mud and took us the long way round to get here. Never the less we are here now and it is lovely.
Our camp site is perched ontop of a small cliff, nice and level for the van and looking out over the ocean. Down on the beach below are some amazing rock pools and around the bay area a little further a sandy beach.
The kids had a ball walking along the beach finding pippies to use for bait and other creatures in the rock pools.
There are 2 other groups of people here and the camp is full, the kids made friends with the other children who are all Streaky bay locals. The advantage of this is further tips on places to stay and visit.. Following this advise we went for a drive around the coast a little further to find some professional fisherman netting in the bay. What a sight! They had what looked to us like a huge catch, they had to fight of the seal who also felt he deserved the fish and then at the end of it they gave us 2 massive fish for our dinner. (The easiest days fishing we have ever had) They called them jumping mullet although they looked almost the same as our salmon back in Vic, and they tasted alot like salmon too.

The taps have started playing up now, we are going through a process of elimination, water in tanks - yes, water pump working - yes. Shower is working better than kitchen tap? HHmmmm seems that this lovely SA water is full of lime. The filter on the tap is full and oh so gross. Well at least we know now and the problem is fixed.
I have just seen the most amazing sunset and some how it seems even better than last nights. I don't think the sight of the sunsetting and the sky lighting up like a kaleidoscope is something I could ever get sick off.

 But all good things must come to an end and tomorrow we will move on again. This park is an honesty box system also asks for $5 per person, which we felt was steep when there are no facilities, no real sites and no rubbish collection. $5 per car would have been reasonable so we will move on in the morning in search of our next destination.

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