Friday 13 May 2011

more to life on the farm

25th April

Today I was going to ride the horse not matter what it took. He had set me a challenge and I had excepted.So with carrot in my hand I approach, he sees it and actually walks towards me. We are off to a good start.I grab the halter and attached the lead rein and walked him back to the lunge ring and tied him to the fence, another victory for me. he then allowed me to saddle him up all be it carrying on over the bit. He kept throwing his head and as he is approx 16.2hh I had no hope of reaching his mouth. I still had a small piece of carrot and with sitting just under the bit he opened his mouth and again another win to me. Saddle and Bridle both now on. I thought it best I give him a walk in all his riding apparel as it had been more than 3 years since he had last been ridden. After 15mins I thought he was ready for me to hop on.He was a perfect gentleman. I walked and trotted him for about 45mins and decided should I ride any longer, tomorrow I might not be able to walk due an increasingly sore bottom. I took him back to the lunge ring unsaddled and gave him a big feed. I am actually really looking forward to riding him again. John spent today welding and doing tractor repairs before they commence further dam cleaning. The bucket on the scoop had broken and needed some attention. The kids are on the last day of holidays before school starts tomorrow. They are actually looking forward to it. Lets see how they feel after tomorrow!

Tuesday 26th April

The kids started school today all be it a day earlier than the kids back at school, but I wasn't sure how things where going to go. We got off to a patchy start as it was so far removed from anything the kids or I for that matter had ever known. Finally we got on a roll and got the days work done in a little over 4 hours. I think it should get easier as the days go by and we settle into it.
My bottom is sore from riding Dancer and although I would love another ride, it would be far to painful. I do want Dancer to get use to me though, so carrot in hand I head back into the paddock to win him over with the good stuff. He again came walking over to me when he saw me so I am hoping the battle is nearly won.

dinner for 7 a barrow full of yabbies
 The kids Tove and I all went yabbying we had 8 nets and some dog food which apparently they love! We pulled the nets out 2 hours later and it was true they love dog food. 200 Yabbies in each net. I could'nt believe it. We sized them throwing the smaller ones back and took only what we needed for dinner.

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