Saturday 7 May 2011

Muir's on the move on the farm

Easter Sunday
Breakfast was a treat! Tove had made the best breakfast feast. (being a Canadian its a tradition for her back home) Bacon, eggs, toast, juice, tea & coffee, hot cross buns and each of us had a large Easter egg sitting on our side plate. The boys couldn't believe their eyes, not only had Easter bunny managed to find them out here he had also under the guidance of John and Tove hidden them all through out their front yard as well as put them on their breakfast plates.
Off their trees is the best way to describe the rest of the day, to say sugar high just doesn't seem to explain it in enough detail. So by 10am they had already over dosed on chocolate and the rest of the day they where full of energy and unrest.

Our days since have been busy with chores. I have been into the paddock to catch the horse Dancer. Apparently he hasn't been ridden for the past 3 years, off to a great start I come along with a halter and lead rein in hand and he turns and gallops off in the opposite direction. OMG what have I got myself in for? I cant catch him let alone ride him.I decide to give him a bit of time and then try again. I will point out that his paddock is about 250 acres so he has plenty of room to run!
I help Tove and the kids finish feed the sheep before approaching him again. This time I thought I would trick him tucking the lead rein down the back of my pants and slowly walk up to him. He again turns to slowly walk away again. I stopped, he stopped. Bugger these games this was war and I was going to  win. As I walked towards him this time I explained that this was going to happen and he wasn't going to win. Finally standing before him and patting his face I was able to make a temporary halter from his lead rein. Once this was done the hard part was over, well until riding him anyway. I walked him ALL the way back to the house paddock about 100 acres away and locked him in the lunging ring. Thinking I might try saddling him up.
When approaching him with the saddle and bridle his body language told me this wasn't going to be happening well today anyway. I thought better of it and let him back into the home paddock. Tomorrow is another day and with the halter already on him it should be much easier to catch him in the morning.
Luckily I didn't ride him, it wasn't long before we where hit by a massive wind storm. You could see it coming and it looked like a wall of rain but was actually a wall of dirt mixed with .5mm of rain. I have never seen anything like it before in my life. It lasted 10mins and then we where back to blue skies and the wind dropped away. What a weird experience. Apparently that was just a mild sand storm.

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