Monday 12 September 2011

The Pinnacles and Jurien Bay

The Pinnancles are amazing limestone formations that rise up out of the ground almost eerie in appearance, I'm sure some had faces. They are sporadically scattered across rippled sand dunes. They vary in size from some as little as a mouse to those that stand about 3.5metres tall. The shapes are also varied and each unique. We drove around the 4km track hoping in and out of the car to inspect the formations. What an amazing place, Mother Earth really is clever.

We continued our drive up the Indian Ocean Drive to Jurien Bay a popular little fishing town.We where told it was the home of the rock lobster fishing fleet. We however never saw any signs of rock lobster.
We set up and went for a walk out on the jetty. The kids had a swim and a play on the playground before we watched and amazing sunset.

John and the kids made friends with an old guy also named John. He had been coming to Jurien for the past 30 years and he was telling them all the ways to ensure a catch whilst here. Before I knew it they where having lessons and then I turn around to see John holding this guys rod while he rigged up another for himself to use.

They all fished for the next 2 hours, I asked the kids if they wanted dinner and No came a quick response. To this fellas credit he could put his money where his mouth was and fish after fish where being caught. Much to the dismay of many other anglers on the jetty. (Most other people could only catch Toadies as they where in plague proportion here). Finally it was getting to cold and the catch bucket was full so it was decided to call it a night. Old John said to come by in the morning and we could have a share of the fish.
Morning came and John was on our door step with a huge amount of fish. We couldn't thank him enough as he had already given us a full filled night the evening before. Fresh fish, chips and salad for dinner YUM.

Unfortunately it started raining and it wasn't letting up. We decided that the 2 nights here was long enough and tomorrow we would move onto Geraldton.

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