Monday 12 September 2011


Well here we are in Geraldton, looking back we are so far from home, wow we have covered  some kilometres. Geraldton is a city with a major shipping port.
We couldn't believe how big and spread out the town is, we didn't realise the population was almost 36000 people. We stayed again at Big4 although disappointed this time as the park was very old and in need of some TLC it certainly didn't meet the standard we had come to associate with the brand. They had nothing there for the kids so it was up them to entertain themselves without getting into to much trouble. The park was on Sunset beach which did live up to its name with an amazing sunset provided both nights we where there.

The kids wasted no time in making friends and set about building a tree house in a vacant corner of the park. When they weren't building the cubby they where riding bikes so they where happy.

We took the opportunity to visit the museum whilst we where there. They where running a school holiday exhibition on mining in WA. The kids where given work sheets to complete as they walked around. When we had finished they handed in the work sheets and as a reward where given a pet rock making kit. What a fantastic day and all for a gold coin donation. It is something I am finding more and more frequently, the free and cheap experiences are the best. To top of a great day we went for a walk along the boardwalk around the marina, fish life in abundance and boats to die for. We didn't know where to look. Home to the van for dinner and bed to recharge the batteries as tomorrow was another day and there was still so much to discover.
We decided a visit to the farmers market was our first port of call today, before hitting the shops for some retail therapy.
 We discovered a yellow submarine down on the foreshore. This was actually operational once. They used it in the rock lobster fishing industry before it was found to be in practical. The kids thought it was cool. We headed back to the van to start packing up as tomorrow we are heading out to Northampton and our next work place. The days are ticking by so fast!

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