Wednesday 17 August 2011

Denmark delightful

We arrived into the township of Denmark on the 10th of June. What a beautiful place. Crossing the river into the town ship there is a strip of small shops a gorgeous park, full of tree's which are fooled into thinking it was the start of Autumn. Their leaves where the most brilliant assortment of colours. We had a quick tour of the town before heading out to Kirrak Reach our home for what was to be 4 weeks.
Turning into Silver Rd the street is lined by giant Karri trees, majestic, amazing and hundreds of years old. We climb the steep incline and wind around the trees before arriving at the Kirrrak driveway. Under wise instruction we left the van at the gate and drove on in to ensure that not only did we feel comfortable to get the van into the property safely but also to be able to get it out again. The driveway was narrow and steep, lined with large trees and covered in loose gravel and about 2kms long. John being John said no worries and we returned to get the van, I on the other hand was much more apprehensive. I should have known better than to doubt Johns judgement as he engaged low range 4wd and comfortably got the van into a reasonably flat area safely.

Wow what an amazing place! gorgeous views, lovely chalets and some friendly and quirky farm animals. We settled into a lovely chalet and met some of the other people staying there. Most backpackers, and really lovely people. Rahni one of the owners of the property came and checked we where settled and explained we would be meeting her partner Ellen later in the week as she was working in Perth.
Now settled in, it was time for John to start work and the kids to start school. John was expecting to put the tin roof on the house. However they have had back packers doing the brick work and no experienced tradesmen on site. Thus the walls are crooked and different heights and the roof is no where near being ready to go on.

Working hard over the next 4 weeks the brick structure which was to be a house actually turned into something that resembled a house. The walls where out by 100mm from one end to the other, and the width was out by 50mm from one end to the other. Not bad when really it needed knocking down and starting again when we arrived.
Denmark provided us with many memories. We visited the many beaches, wineries, the alpaca farm, the chocolate factory where the boys where introduced to fondue, the Giant tree top walk, Marin fishing and other sight seeing.

And just when I am really missing home we had a visit from one of our dearest friends Chris. We met down the street by coincidence and I saw him before he saw me. Like a crazy woman I ran across the road and flung my arms around him, squeezing so tight that I wasn't sure that he could actually breath. A special little piece of home was just what the doctor ordered. John and the kids where just as excited as me although not showing their excitement in the same way. We had 2 wonderful days together. The boys had fun showing Chris the areas of Denmark they had discovered and John and Chris had fun just talking rubbish and drinking beer. I just loved having him and his quirky ways around. Saying goodbye was hard but he had come along at the right time to lift my spirits, and for that I was so grateful.

I had been a little down since the isolation of Newdegate and Johns long work hours there. I was really missing all my family and friends and schooling the kids was proving to be a much bigger challenge than I had expected.. Now I have the inspiration and excitement to look forward to new adventures. So with another new experience complete and another small pocket of this huge country discovered we move on. Looking forward to the next big adventure.

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