Monday 18 July 2011


We arrived at the Middleton Beach holiday park around 5.30 pm and feel relaxed instantly. This gorgeous park is right on the foreshore and the people there where so nice. We set up and set straight to touring town and finding somewhere to go for dinner. The town of Albany is HUGE and widely spread out. This being the case we thought it best to leave the exploration till daylight.
Well what a treat morning was. After living inland for so long, it was homely to be back by the beach.
The coast lines around this place are stunning! We started by following the small bay around to the main harbour then out onto the coast and the ocean. We spotted a whale and where stunned by the beauty of the natural landscapes. Albany has so many free and fantastic places to visit. The Natural bridge, the Blow holes, the gap,Frenchmans bay, amazing lookouts and a lovely ANZAC memorial.

We visited whaleworld, a whale museum that actually used to be a working whale station and was the largest of its kind in WA and was the last to close down when the whaling ban was introduced. What a facinating place, it is fully interactive, they have fully restored the old whaling ship and you can climb through every piece of it, a 3d movie, massive whale skeletons, a fully guided tour of the factory and explanation of how everything worked. The kids found it facinating. So much so that three hours had passed and we We headed back to the caravan park to make use of the spa and swimming pool and the childrens playground. We have tomorrow to explore some more before moving onto Denmark and starting work again.
Albany is the first of all the beautiful places that we have been that has come close to the beauty of home and our coastlines. We truely have something special in our little part of Victoria

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