Friday 29 April 2011

Muirs on the move 13.4.11

Point Lowly out of Whyalla. Lovely place although as we came along the side of a massive gas refinery I did wonder where we were going to stay and what we were going to find.
What we found was a free camp spot on either side of the point, toilet, showers (all be it cold) and great views and a children's playground.We chose to stay on the boat ramp side, but quickly learnt that it gets very busy around there. Not to mention there is an up coming snapper fishing comp coming up so every angler from miles away are converging to get out and find where the fish are to mark in their GPS for the big day.
The boat ramp has a break water so boat launch and retrieval is fuss free. We wont be launching to windy and not enough time, plus the amount of people now arriving to camp makes us think we will only stay the night.
We went for a walk around the point a little further where we discovered the Point Lowly lighthouse built in 1883, she is a ripper. Although still working she hasn't been manned since the mid 70's. We saw a seal and for the first time, really paused and realised we where now on holidays.
The kids rode bikes all afternoon and enjoyed all the boat action. Plenty of professional fisherman work out of this area, so John and the boys walked up and down the jetty's talking to them all.
The gas refinery was really a sight to see, especially at night when it was all lit up.It seems to provide an enormous amount of employment for the area, as we discovered after John stopped to chat with a local.

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